Takatū Waikato
Making a Stand
for the Waikato
Strategic Direction
2023 - 2025

Ngā aronga nui
Our strategic priorities
A focus on wellbeing and how we respond to climate change is woven through all our priorities.
To support the development of this strategic direction, council commissioned an analysis of political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental (PESTLE) trends and their implications (key trends, opportunities and challenges) for the governance of the Waikato region.
View the report: waikatoregion.govt.nz/PESTLE-2022

Our vision
Waikato mārohirohi: Manaaki whenua, whakamana tangata.
The mighty Waikato:
Caring for our place, empowering our people.

Our purpose
Working together for a Waikato region that has a healthy environment, vibrant communities and strong economy.

Sustainable development goals
Sustainable development goals (SDGs) were developed by the United Nations in 2015. They are a call for action to promote prosperity while protecting the planet.
Here in the Waikato, with the Waikato Wellbeing Project, we became the first region in New Zealand to develop our own sustainable development goals. The most relevant goals have been incorporated into this strategic direction.
Legislation requires councils to improve the social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing of our communities. We’ve embedded and defined this in our purpose.
He taiao mauriora Healthy environment
A resilient and sustainable region that works in harmony with the natural environment, one that’s actively transitioning to net carbon zero and fosters the growing of our indigenous biodiversity.
He ōhanga pakari Strong economy
A connected and inclusive community where our people are actively engaged with whānau and families, communities and governance. A region with a vibrant Māori culture and one that celebrates diversity, participation and understanding.
He hapori hihiri Vibrant communities
An Innovation leader with a diversified economy that attracts people to the region and builds their capabilities.

Ngā uara
Our values
Our values define how we work as individuals and together as an organisation to achieve our vision, purpose and commitment to customers.

Kia tau
Showing others respect is the basis of all our behaviour.
Above all, we are purposeful and ethical in all we say and do. We behave in ways that keep the public’s trust and respect.
We are direct, honest and courteous in all our relationships.
Within our organisation, we create a working environment which is enabling, supportive and inclusive so that each of us is valued for the differences, skills and experiences we bring to the workplace.
Work-life balance is a strong focus of our culture. We support our people to put family first and take pride in the roles they fulfil in their communities through the environmental, social and cultural activities that make the Waikato region a better place.
Kia tika
Our people model the highest standards of personal and professional behaviour in all job-related activities.
We always aim to do what’s right for the Waikato region, now and in the future. Through our elected council, we are accountable to our communities and stakeholders.
We share knowledge and make well-informed decisions based on good information. We listen carefully, look for solutions and remain open to new ideas.
We take responsibility for our own actions and trust others to do the same. We put safety first for ourselves and others.
While we are realistic about what we can achieve today, we are mindful of the effect our decisions and actions will have on future generations.
Kia toa
We always aim to give the best
we can.
For this reason, we always strive to make a positive difference.
High performance, innovation and adaptability are vital to our success. We build on our strengths and support each other to be the very best we can be at work. We appreciate our successes and those of others.
The services we provide enable regional development and protect and restore the natural environment in ways that improve people's quality of life for those here now and the generations to come.

Strategic priority
What we want to achieve
Clean water and healthy aquatic ecosystems that meet iwi aspirations and community needs within environmental limits.

Strategic priority
Rerenga rauropi,
tiakitanga taiao
Biodiversity and biosecurity
What we want to achieve
People working together to protect and restore our unique local native plants and animals, and the indigenous ecosystems they live in.

Strategic priority
Takutai moana
Coastal and marine
What we want to achieve
Healthy marine ecosystems that provide us with many benefits like recreation, food, improved water quality, increased resilience to climate change, and sustainable economic opportunities.

Strategic priority
Hanganga tauwhiro
Sustainable development and infrastructure
What we want to achieve
Resilient communities that plan for intergenerational wellbeing, develop with nature in mind and are able to respond to and recover from adversity.

Strategic priority
Hononga hapori
Community connections
What we want to achieve
Vibrant communities that are well connected with each other and to services.

Strategic priority
Whakaheke tukunga
Transition to a low emissions economy
What we want to achieve
Work with others to transition to a competitive low emissions economy that’s fair for everyone and enhances community wellbeing for the future.

Areas of focus critical to delivering on our shared purpose and, ultimately, this strategic direction.
We will provide welcoming, responsive and connected service, preempting needs and keeping our customers informed.
We will foster transformative approaches and mindsets, with a focus on increasing digital capability and productivity.
We will foster an adaptable, inclusive, values-led culture that celebrates success.
We will strive for excellence in everything we do, improving our performance through the efficient use of resources targeting:
governance, leadership and strategy
financial decision making and transparency
regulatory and service delivery
communicating and engaging with the public and business.
Te Ao Māori
We support our people to develop the capability and confidence required to grow and maintain effective relationships with iwi Māori in our region. Our Kawe Kōrero app is a key learning tool for staff. This app, which includes our organisational waiata — Toitū te taiao, can be downloaded on the App Store and Google Play.