Strategic priority
Whakaheke tukunga
Transition to a low emissions economy
What we want to achieve
Work with others to transition to a competitive low emissions economy that’s fair for everyone and enhances community wellbeing for the future.
The why
The Waikato is known for its natural environment from which we produce great products through innovative systems and processes developed by smart, hardworking people.
To maintain these strengths, the region needs to position itself to help lead New Zealand’s transition to a low emissions economy. This is necessary, given the impact changing weather patterns are already having on our region and the people, animals and plants that live here.
Communities, infrastructure, roads, rail and communications networks are being tested by extreme weather events - more frequent and increasingly severe storms and increased rainfall events compounded by rising tides.
Rural and urban communities are already feeling the effect of water restrictions on their businesses and domestic use, and many will face increased fire risk. Low water flows during times of drought challenge farmers and growers and impact the ability to generate hydropower.
Current and future regulatory changes at home and abroad will increasingly incentivise a low emissions economy and place costs on polluters. Consumers are shifting their preferences to sustainable options.
It’s time for the Waikato to accelerate the transition to a profitable low emissions economy that delivers higher skilled jobs and incomes, investment, innovation, and new economic bases of activity that enhance and protect the environment.
Goals for success
By 2025
Work with iwi partners and stakeholders to agree options and equitable pathways to help guide industries and communities to reduce use of fossil fuels and increase energy efficiency in our transition to a resilient, low emissions economy.
Enable Waikato farmers to be national leaders in the adoption of climate smart practices and technologies by aligning our farmer education and support services with those of industry bodies and central government.
Deliver an updated regional energy strategy and facilitate an increase in access to and use of renewable energy.
Achieve year on year progress toward reducing council's own corporate emissions, including through our supply chain, consistent with New Zealand's target for net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.